BIG DATA DAY at SIA BIG DATA DAY at SIA 160 participants learnt about collection of data, treatment and protection. Data is not only used in connected cars to create new services (as shown by Michelin), but also in manufacturing to increase the output and reduce for example the maintenance as shown by TOTAL, Faurecia or Conti. In Europe the treatment of sensitive data is largely controlled. Legal aspects are therefore important. A new reglementation, the GDPR, will apply from May 25, 2018 . Gaelle Kermorgant reported on this, indicating also, how to become compliant. She can help to put in place a Data Protection Officer an a register of sensitive data. An inspiring presentation about China was held by Olivier Orfilla from IFSTTAR. In China the development of new services based on the exploitation of massive amounts of data seems easier than in Europe. However, there is a difference between Chinese and foreign developers. Foreigners do not necessarily ...