Top speakers already confirmed at CESA 2012

The congress will welcome top executives from OEMs and suppliers. At this point, CESA 2012 is delighted to announce the presence of : Christophe PERILLAT, chief operating officer at Valeo on automotive electronics in general Marc DUVAL-DESTIN, R&D Director at PSA on new mobility (picture) Beatrice FOUCHER-SYBORD from Renault on Electric Mobility Liam BRESLIN for the European Commission Wolfgang RUNGE, ex-CEO of ZF and chairman of Baden-Baden conference on automotive electronics Pierre GATTAZ, CEO of Radial and President of the French federation for electronics industry (FIEEC) Joachim MATTHES from Valeo on Driver Assistance Heinz PFANNSCHMIDT, ex CEO of Honsel and ex-VP of Visteon as representative for Roland Berger on electric mobility in Germany Laurent MALIER, CEO of CEA-LETI on new technologies in power electronics Hans-Georg FRISCHKORN, ESG and ex-VP Electronics at GM and BMW on consequences from mobility needs on technical solutions Other speakers from BMW, Nissan...