CESA 2012 exhibition and sponsorship offers

If you want to exhibit or to be a sponsor at CESA 2012, please connect on SIA website. You will discover then all the rates : booth price, sponsorship offers (logos, book of conference, extra invitations, gala dinner...), as well as advertising rates and offers. CESA 2012 is a huge event, with more than 300 high level attendees expected (directors, managers, heads of department, engineers, researchers and technicians). The event takes place in Cap 15, a convention center located in the south of Paris, near Eiffel Tower. So, this an opportunity to make the buzz with your company. Pauline Senis from SIA (pauline.senis@sia.fr) will give you all the details Link : http://www.sia.fr/evenement_detail_cesa_2012_2nd_edition_exhibition_and_1128.htm